It can help to rebuild trust in your relationship if you involve your significant other in this step. You can remove the other person from your contacts in front of your significant other, and allow your significant other to read and/or hear your ending dialogue with the other person. Remember, God is for you and He wants to work within you to rebuild trust. He can see beyond the present situation when you cannot.

You can make all the promises you want, but they won’t mean much unless you also make an effort to show your partner that you are working toward change. This means not only being honest but keeping your commitments.

  • Rather than being shocked and overreacting, be prepared to take positive action.
  • This doesn’t mean that a harmful action didn’t take place, or that harm wasn’t felt.
  • Although these defenses are often geared toward predicting an additional shocking event, the hypervigilance often holds a person hostage.
  • This could possibly be a starting place for further talking and working on your relationship.

If your partner makes a mistake or two over the course of a long relationship and owns up to it, working on trust issues may be the right move. It’s normal to question if it’s even worth it before you decide to commit to working on your relationship.


Even the closest of couples have to work hard at renewing the spark while working to grow in the same direction together, year after year. While there’s independent work to do, remember to listen completely to one another.

Yet, a person who gains awareness of her unconscious defense mechanisms may be able to deal with the situation in a new way. Consciously adopting a different coping strategy may help. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Your partner may need space and time before they can discuss what happened. But they also might need days or weeks before they can address the issue with you. No matter your reasons, you know you caused them pain, and you feel terrible.

Don’t dig up the past

There’s no way around it, you have to take accountability for your actions. When spouses cheat, there’s often a temptation to blame their behavior on issues in the marriage, real or otherwise. Ultimately, the decision to repair a relationship will be left to them.

Must-Dos to Rebuild & Regain Trust After Cheating or Lying in a Relationship

If the betrayal is too big or goes against your core values, it may be time to leave the relationship. You can’t repair broken trust with just promises and statements of forgiveness. The underlying causes for the betrayal need to be identified, examined and worked on by both partners for the issues to stay dormant.

Don’t expect to be able to maintain any relationship, even non-romantic one, with the person you cheated with moving forward. What if you are not ready for the low-cost behaviors as the betrayed? High-cost behaviors are the bedrock of the trust-building phase that squarely falls on the shoulders of the unfaithful person. Let your partner know specifically what low-cost behaviors you need from them to restore your trust; leave little up to assumption. Leave little up to assumption in regards to your feelings and emotions. Fill your partner in on your emotional landscape, especially if you are not used to doing this. A lack of trust will look and feel different for every couple and in every relationship, but here are some signs signaling that the trust may have gone MIA.